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3 Ways to Create a Life Summary Page in Obsidian
Whether in a notebook or an app, start today to record something of your life

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a regular person in possession of an ordinary life, will benefit from recording the best of times and the worst of times.
Analog or digital, daily, weekly, or monthly, if it isn’t written, it will be forgotten.
The important thing is to see who you are by looking through the lens of where you’ve been.
Why not write a little of your wonderfully ordinary life?
Here are three ways to create and compile a list of all your life summary entries in Obsidian. Method one is quick and easy, but I think methods two and three are better options.
Method 1 — Tags
Make your notes on a weekly or daily log page, and preface each with a tag, eg. #2022-Life-Summary
. Clicking on the tag will bring up every entry, sorted by its daily or weekly note file name.
You can also create a summary page for the year, and call up each tagged entry with a query.
tag: 2022-Life-Summary