Yes, 3 Backups Are Sufficient For My Needs, Thanks For Asking

Enough, Or More? Your Happiness Depends On How Well You Choose

Ellane W
4 min readJul 8, 2023


Closeup photograph of a person wearing a white cotton jumper, holding a stack of folded blue jeans. We can only see one arm and a small portion of the person’s upper body below the shoulders. One of the jeans in the stack has been outlined in red, and coloured with opaque, textured red shading. There’s a hand drawn, scribbly red arrow on the left, pointing to the jeans.
Photo by Maude Frédérique Lavoie on Unsplash. Cropped. Red lines and shading added by Author.

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Finish this sentence: “There’s no such thing as too much/many ________ .”

Answers I’ve heard people give include fabric, camera lenses, clothing, chocolate, followers, note/books, pens, and garlic. Of course, for every item a person is happy to immerse themselves in, there’s someone who’ll disagree — sometimes vehemently. Money and cilantro come to mind.

Now imagine you could have enough of everything that’s important to you, just by asking for it. Exactly how much of each thing would you order?

Joshua Becker recently sent me this:

Do you have food on your table and a roof over your head? Are there clothes in your closet? Do you have love in your life and opportunity to serve others? If so, maybe you already have all that you need to be happy.

And removing the unquenchable desire for more may be the most life-giving decision you make today.

Enough is a reachable destination. More is a journey with no end.

It’s got me thinking about words like sufficient and scarce, and how we determine…



Ellane W

Designer and educational publisher for 30 years+. Plain-text advocate. Still using paper, but less of it.