PTPL 129 · Live Out of Your Notes the Way Tom Lives Out of His Car
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Productivity Inspiration
Tom Wheeler lives out of his car — from choice, not necessity. His reasons are well thought out, but the thing that really stands out is the sheer joy he gets from this lifestyle!
Tom makes the point that living out of a car is not the same as living in a car. The “living” part is the focus. The car is just a home base until he meets a specific financial goal.
Tom has everything he needs to live a happy and healthy life right there with him in his compact car. The sheer freedom of this struck me strongly when I read about it, even before drawing the inevitable analogies with keeping digital and analog notes separate from the containers they’re currently living in. I spent a couple of days unable to stop thinking about what it would take to live in my car, and looking around at all my stuff, wondering why I had it! I’m over that now, but the desire to simplify remains.
Even when Tom goes back to more traditional accommodation, I have no doubt he will continue to live in such a way that he can be ready at a moment’s notice to move into another another…