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There’s only One Right Way to Type the Date
And, no, yyyy and YYYY are not the same thing in an Obsidian template
Read this post here, or on my blog. This article has been edited for clarity.
When the last two digits of the year change, as every 12 months they inevitably do, muscle memory tends to work against us. As Johnny Decimal says, don’t type the date by hand! Johnny recommends using Raycast to create a snippet that automatically creates today’s date in the correct format.
Yes, I said correct format because there’s only one right way to type the date but many wrong ways that cause the space-time continuum to shake on its timey-wimey foundations! I’m not talking about the dates you hand write in longhand at the top of a physical page; knock yourself out with those. This is about dates written entirely in numbers.
I’ve known for years that year-month-day is the only format that sorts chronologically in the digital world, but what I didn’t know when this post was published is that of the two ways to write the code that becomes year-month-day dates ( yyyy-mm-dd
and YYYY-mm-dd
), it matters which one you choose.
Both can be correct, in the right context.