How to Cope With Insomnia, and With Other Grumpy Insomniacs

Unusually effective strategies from someone who knows what it’s like

Ellane W
4 min readOct 20, 2022


Head and shoulders of a woman seen from the back, looking toward the light
Image used under license from jumpstory

I’m sitting here, knowing I should be writing something productivity related, but I can’t, because there’s mud in my brain.

The algorithm is hungry, and it pays me when I feed it, but words to discuss the usual topics are dangling just out of reach. Insomnia has come to visit again, poking me with its sharpest thought-needles each time I try to sleep.

And that, in itself, is a productivity topic, so perhaps the box can be ticked after all.

You want to get stuff done? To think clearly and focus on what matters? You need to sleep long enough and deeply enough to recharge the cells that keep you going. You know that, I know that. It’s good advice, but simplistic.

What do you do when sleep just won’t come?

I’m not a young mother any more (I am a young old person, though), but I still remember what it felt like to be woken up night after night by the needs of one or more tiny humans. Calm yourself; I don’t need convincing of the sacredness of that fleeting stage of life. With the power of hindsight, I know how precious those days were.



Ellane W

Designer and educational publisher for 30 years+. Plain-text advocate. Still using paper, but less of it.